As I pulled images from magazines for this dreamboard, I felt uninspired and concerned at how I might not like this one. It's not the first time this has happened, so I was again relieved and delighted at how this board came together. There are a few more mysteries in here, waiting to be contemplated and discovered, but so far this is what I feel this board is expressing:
- Paying attention to the flowering of beauty all around me
- Joyful dancing and moving from the core of myself
- Radiating outwards boldly and luminously
- Receiving inspiration
- Celebrating transformation
- Embracing what is
- Expressing artistically my own story, my own angle
- Tuning in to what and who I love
- Entering and being inspired by sacred places, in nature or made by humans
- The beauty and energy of circles
- Sparkly, joyful abundance
- Resting in comfort and beautiful surroundings
- Being able to wear lovely, impractical shoes