Oh, things have been quite busy for me lately, so busy that I almost didn't do a dreamboard for this month. It just didn't feel right to do that, especially as I wanted to receive some messages from "the deep" in preparation for my trip to a collaborative music-making residency program. My compromise was to do a much smaller one, this one fitting across a couple of pages in my visual journal. I love having this visual journal which gives me the freedom to draw, paste pictures, scribble doodles, write any which way on the page. I'm enjoying not having lines to conform to.
What strikes me about this board is it has two prominent colors, oranges and blues. They have very contrasting energies: high and charged, cool and calm. The most mysterious images to me are the dress, the other-worldly Alexander McQueen outfit, and the whale shark. I have a feeling this is going to be quite a moon-th!
I'm planning to bring my visual journal with me, and its size and portability give me a way to spend time with my dreamboard even as I am away from home. As the weeks go by I'm hoping to learn from the messages in this board, and be inspired to step out and own that rock star energy. I admit I am a little afraid of that power, but perhaps the image of swimming with the huge shark is encouragement to face my fears, stay calm and enter the deep. I'll keep asking the shark what messages it has for me as the month unfolds.