I had a dream last night about insects, a hairdryer that transformed them, into a peacock burrowing into a brick wall. I don't know that this has anything to do with this month's dreamboard, but I know that things are stirring.
I'm often feeling like the clock is running ahead, leaving me in the dust, and I struggle with being productive and also feeling like I need more time to take care of myself and refill the well. I think this board is asking me to take care of my body, with sunlight, fresh food and plenty of dance and movement. Also there are lots of little bits and jewels and things strung together, clustering that creates flowers, bugs, a curtain. I wonder what this means for my creative projects? And finally I also see living out loud in the mouths, the firebird dancer, the microphone. I'm being called to say something through my art, and I hope I can accomplish this.
My dreamboard urges me on.
Total clarity. Remove doubt. Potential. Music.