Why does this happen almost every time I create a new dreamboard? I choose images, I feel like the dreamboard is going to be c%$^, and then I love it.
This month's question was: What is my intuition telling me about my dreams? And so I began collecting images, not sure of why I was drawn to them, doubting their relevance to my dreams. It wasn't until I arranged them on the board, again trying not to think too much about it, that I begin to see what my board is telling me.
I've been impatient lately, feeling something stirring beneath the surface, tired of having felt like this for a couple of years now. It feels like an impossibly long gestation period, waiting for "whatever that thing is" to pop into my awareness and into being. I've been doing a lot of searching, and sometimes it feels like I'm onto something and then it feels like I've lost the thread again. Frustrating.
My board seems to be telling me that I have more relaxing and savoring to do, that this is not the time to push to an answer. It seems to be asking me to see that I belong here, to allow spaciousness, to savor and be present to the beauty and color around me, to be open to adventure. Perhaps in this I can find my muse, be bathed and reborn, find my community, and find a happy new title.
There are many things on this board that seem counterintuitive to an active
process of discovering and living my purpose. But perhaps the calm face
of the turtle is counseling me to take it slow, to stay in the moment. I
notice also the balanced symmetry of quite a few of the images on this moon's board, and maybe that is about finding my center, and letting the raucous energy of new life emerge from that calm groundedness.
"Who says you can't shake it up?" Around these words I see images of an intense voice of inquiry or explanation, a creature listening, an orderly representation of a supposedly solid building. Perhaps it is time to break with the so-called inarguable edifices, ways of being I've taken as truth, to huff and puff and blow the make-believe tower down...
If you'd like to make a dreamboard yourself and even share it with others, check out Jamie Ridler's
Full Moon Dreamboards Online. Also, look at what others are dreaming for themselves for this full moon