Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dreamboard for the Full Snow Moon

I look forward to these moon-thly opportunities to delve into exploring our dreams, and to the quiet time to tune into what's going on inside of me. This full moon brought so many images that I went to a larger, more panaromic format and still had to edit some out!

Freedom has popped up again as a theme, but this time it's joined by other words including calm, yes, spirit, art, connecting, artist, me. I liked what Jamie Ridler suggested, not only dreaming big but also looking at what actions I might take, inspired by what I see on my board. So here goes...
  • I could pay attention to how my energy flows
  • I could meditate
  • I could spend some time in wide open, natural places
  • I could make my kitchen and living room more calm, pleasing and artistic spaces
  • I could explore and play with technology
  • I could find more opportunities to connect with people
  • I could work on mastering my craft of music
  • I could look for ways to showcase my art
  • I could get on the dance floor
  • I could listen to and trust my instincts
  • I could say yes to myself when I feel an urge
  • I could treat myself as a precious jewel
  • I could unfurl and take flight
  • I could find beautiful ways to decorate and elevate my process of unfolding
I know some of the items on the list have been brewing for a while, and this moon may provide just the right impetus to get things rolling. Some of the other items are very intriguing, calling out to me in new ways. I'm looking forward to keeping this full moon dreamboard in sight and seeing what new discoveries I may find.

If you're interested in making a dreamboard yourself and sharing it with others, check out Jamie Ridler's Full Moon Dreamboards Online. Check out what others are dreaming for themselves for this full moon here.


  1. it is a very strong post, i like what you said

  2. Wonderful images and ways to implement them into your life!

  3. Your dreamboard just oozes freedom to me, like an independent spirit. Especially the puma (is it a puma?) in the moonlight is beautiful. Here's to dreaming big!

  4. hey thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment on my dreamboard post! LOVE the images you chose for yours!

  5. great board....look at those strong dark colours. I love the butterfly in the's a great representation of the capture you are looking for. The strong tree, and the still shot of the dancer is an awesome vision of strength, grace, tranquility.

    thanks for stopping by...
