Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy outlet

This photo is from my honey, who went to plug in his laptop computer and found three happy faces beaming at him from under the desk in his hotel room. His email made me smile, though thousands of miles away.

Here are some other "happy outlet" moments this week:
  • Baking a loaf of whole wheat bread
  • Making a delicious roasted squash soup
  • Skype video so I can still see my honey even when he's away
  • Beautiful sunny weather (after days of gray skies and rain)
  • Seeing cool, inspiring, thought-provoking art at MOMA
  • Having dinner with a close friend
  • A sense-memory of playing in an inverted quartet (2 cellos, 1 viola, 1 violin)
At rehearsal with the trio yesterday we had a visitor who happens to be a cellist. She knew the song we were working on, so we all played it together. I was not prepared for the powerful sense-memory of hearing two cellos with a viola and violin. You see, for ten years I was part of just such a string quartet, Invert. For ten years my body and soul vibrated with that particular combination of sound frequencies. It was a powerful reminder to me of just how much music can evoke memories and emotions.


  1. I love that picture. Clearly your honey is the kind of person that spots the happy in the mundane - a world explorer!

  2. As soon as I saw the picture it made me smile. How neat that he saw this in something most people would look at and never notice. Now I am going to look for happy smiling faces whereever I go.

  3. I so miss thought provoking art! I left NYC to move to a rural town on the west coast. I have land and my own home but I traded that for culture. I'm glad for the internet though it's not the same as being at MOMA.

    Hope your honey is home safe soon. Enjoy your next happy week!

  4. Your happy list made me smile: art, music, food, sunshine, and love. All the important things in my book. Have a lovely weekend.
